mardi 16 octobre 2018

Why art is important | Katerina Gregos | TEDxGhent - ARTS

1 commentaire:

  1. Oh such an amazing bloggg it inspired me to do stuff. Amazing! I am so proud of finding this very amazing blogg. Here is a part of one of my random essays:
    A pseudo-random bit sequence is an output of any deterministic algorithm, which generates a wide number of pseudo-random bits that every set of bits has an equal chance of being chosen from the universe of numbers [1]. To generate these pseudo random bits, pseudo random number generators PRBGs are used, to which, seed of length n is feed as input and the resulting output of length l(n), with l(n) >> n is called pseudo random sequence.
    Pseudo-random numbers are widely used for simulation, numerical analysis, testing of programs and hardware using random data, decision making in lotteries and games and cryptography [2]. A good PRNG must possess several of qualities such as unpredictability, large period length, uniform distribution, efficiency, portability, repeatability, and a good structure.
